Despite the weather conditions all judging with the exception of the last few bitch classes took place in the outside ring. The presentation of the exhibits under these conditions was superb with most exhibits in lovely condition overall the entry was a credit to the breeds exhibitors.
PD (4) 1 Taylors Kilbourne Usher To Ormanstar. 8 month old well grown young dog ,super front and shoulders pleasing outline ample length of loin good topline. Strong rear quarters ample rear angulation , consistant movement with good front reach and plenty of drive from the rear quarters ,true coming and going. BPD. BP. 2 M&G Peaches Kilbourne Nico Another quality young dog , pleasing head ,good bite ample reach of neck., plenty of depth of chest for his age. Good front and shoulder placement easy movement with sound drive from the rear. 3 Sharps Rosslyn Qonnor.
JD (3,1) 1 Milnes Gentiehun Devon Loch. Well proportioned dog good head and bite .Satisfactory front and shoulder placement , ample depth in chest satisfactory length of loin moved well with powerful rear drive. 2 Barclays Leoch Ian.Good head dark eye with ample reach of neck and satisfactory depth of chest . Movement erratic on the day.
PGD (8,2) 1hawkins Kwaricott Corelli . Well grown young dog presented in super condition, well muscled rear quarters good bite pleasing head and expression Ample reach of neck overall well proportioned. Good front and shoulders satisfactory bend of stifle well let down hocks .Movement was effortless covered the ground well with retained topline when moving. 2 Morton & Morgans Cotherstone Shot And Steel Lovely. head good length of neck in good overall condition , well muscled strong rear quarters which were used effectively when on the move. 3 Hogans Breesfalt Jasper.
LD (6) 1 Spence & Heathcotes Hyndsight Riddick Well proportioned quality dog with strong head not coarse correct bite and ear set. Superb front well laid shoulders good length of loin lightly arched loin correct fall away to strong rear quarters classic look when stood in profile with plenty of bend of stifle and well let down hock .moved well with plenty of reach in front 2 Peaches Against All Odds At Kilbourne. Well grown quality dog of pleasing overall proportion super head good bite strong jaw . Length in neck without loss of strength well laid shoulder with ample rear angulation , movement sound and true. 3 Meers Kilbourne Harvey At Lordswell.
OD (4,1) 1 Finnet And Heathcotes Ch Hyndsight Dark Sky. Powerful male of classic proportion strong head and jaw ,well muscled neck leading to good front and well laid shoulders correct feet great depth of chest length of loin in correct proportion ,powerful rear quarters with good bend of stifle well let down hocks looked very capable of performing the task for which he was bred.Moved truely with reach ,drive from the rear and the correct tail carriage CC 2 Hawkins Kwaricott Asclepius. Well proportioned dog in good firm condition good head with alert keen expression correct bite and ear set . Ample depth in chest, well placed shoulder good topline correct fall away strong rear quarters movement was elegant and easy but purposeful with super drive from the well muscled rear quarters RCC. 3 Girlings Ch Pyefleet Rollo.
PB (2) 1 Peaches Kilbourne Unity. 9 month old with lovely feminine head and expression correct bite ample length of neck good overall proportions and correct feet .Still with plenty of development to follow. Moved well with free easy elegant and true movement coming and going.. BPB. 2 Davis Kilbourne Nimble. Pleasing outline good head and bite well laid shoulders good front and satisfactory feet .moved well in profile not the easy movement of 1.
JB (4,2) 1 Baileys Greyflax Just Peachy. Lovely bitch correct head good bite super length of neck leading to well placed shoulders satisfactory length of loin correct fall away and strong rear quarters moved freely with plenty of front reach and drive from the rear. 2 Robertsons Chuilinn Magdalena. Another quality bitch pleasing head and expression correct ear set good front and shoulder placement adequate rear angulation and bend of stifle .free elegant movement.
NB (4,1) 1 GROgans Albaeirn Zama. Strong bitch in very good condition ,well proportioned in body with strength in front and shoulders ,good depth correct fall away moved truly. 2 Steadmans Albaeirn Leanna. Shapely bitch good head and bite,correct shoulder placement super bend of stifle moved well in profile. 3 Milnes Nixophel Grey Galena.
PGB (13,3) 1 Peaches Kilbourne Teliah. For me a super young bitch of classic deerhound proportions Feminine head and expression with strong jaw good bite and lovely length of and strength in neck Correct shoulders good front and feet ample length in loin and correct fall away leading to nicely developed strong rear quarters .Did not disappoint on the move with easy, flowing true effortless movement. CC. 2 Girlings Pyefleet Scrumpie. Well presented bitch in very good condition good head and eye strong neck well laid shoulder moved freely with plenty of front reach and drive from powerful rear quarters. 3 Smarts Kessoch Marsco Of Greystiel.
LB (3) 1 Taylor's Kilbourne Baccarat To Ormanstar. Pleasing feminine head and expression overall body of good proportion with well constructed front and shoulder placement ample rear angulation /bend of stifle stood well over the ground on correct feet movement easy and elegant with good tail carriage. 2 Morton & Morgans Cotherstone Duchenne. Well constructed bitch clean head strong jaw good bite well laid shoulders great depth of chest moved truly with plenty of reach in front. 3 Foy's Glenfoyble Filliberry.
OB (11,3) 1 Taylor & Peaches Ch Brackenland Tan At Kilbourne. Despite being restricted to the smaller indoor ring this bitch performed superbly Lovely head and expression strong jaw powerful neck super front and shoulders ample length of lightly arched loin leading to well developed rear quarters which she used effectively when on the move overall sound mover RCC. 2 Finnet & Heathcotes Ch Hyndsight Who's That Girl. Well constructed quality bitch strong head good bite powerful neck well laid shoulders great depth in chest moved truly with plenty of reach in front. 3 Baileys Ch Greyflax Crystal
R F Spencer